

Our Products

Our Products

Icone Huiles

Bottling is a guarantee of quality for the consumers, concerned about the origin of the products and its traceability.

Our oil conditioning lines are equipped with an inert compressed air blowing device in the containers, filling and encapsulating the conditioned oil containers.

All components are controlled by a PLC to ensure the adjustment of all production details. Our operators are well trained and informed in order to control and ensure the product safety throughout the manufacturing process.

Huile Olive Corantia


Olive Oli

En savoir plus - Huile d'Olive


Vegetal Oil

En savoir plus


Vegetal Oui

En savoir plus

  • Gamme Huiles d'Olive Corantia Black

    Gamme Huiles d'Olive Corantia Black

    Huile d'Olive Extra Vierge

  • Gamme Huiles d'Olive Corantia

    Gamme Huiles d'Olive Corantia

    Huile d'Olive Vierge

  • Gamme Huiles Végétal El Jabal

    Gamme Huiles Végétal El Jabal

    Gamme Huiles Végétal El Jabal

  • Gamme Huiles Végétal Olitta

    Gamme Huiles Végétal Olitta

    Gamme Huiles Végétal Olitta

  • Icone Olives
Brochure Prima Huiles

Our products brochure

Download our brochure on our range of products: bottles dimensions, pallets


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Bottling process

Bottling Process

The key of success and sustainability of our company is due to our basic activity rules: quality, service, flexibility and responsibility.

We have designed adequate solutions for the packaging of our oil bottles, so they are filled, plugged and automatically labeled. All our teams and resources are devoted to ensure compliance, traceability, hygiene and quality products, upstream and downstream, since the receipt of raw materials to the shipping of finished products.

Indeed, we established such as a production chains to meet the requirements of our customers. In addition, our production capacity of olive oil and vegetable oils exceeds respectively:

  • 70 tonnes per day for the olive oil.
  • 200 tonnes per day for the vegetable oil
 Bottling of the production line of Prima Huiles

Bottling of the production line of Prima Huiles

 Bottling of the production line of Prima Huiles

Bottling of the production line of Prima Huiles

In order to align and adjust to the needs of the market and our customers, we designed a very flexible process oil production and bottling lines, with a large productive capacity and ease of use and a speed changing of formats. Therefore, we are able to adapt the container to any type of packaging.

All the components production line are under automatic control, to ensure the adjustment of all production details.

Our production team are skilled and highly trained to ensure the monitoring, the safety and the quality of the products throughout the manufacturing process.

Packaging range

A whole set of bottling machines process with a variety of packaging range:

  • Glass bottles
  • PET food plastic bottles, manufactured on site.
  • Polyethylene food bottles,
  • Food metal cans (250ml-500ml-750ml-1L) used for the packaging of high quality vegetable oils.
  • Citernes de stockage d'huiles

    Citernes de stockage d'huiles

  • Citernes de stockage d'huiles

    Citernes de stockage d'huiles

  • Bascule de pesage des camions d'huiles brute

    Bascule électronique de pesage des camions d'huiles brute

  • Unités de production

    Unités de production

  • Nous réalisons des analyses dans le laboratoire accrédité et agrée pour les analyses physicochimiques et organoleptiques de l'huile d'olive  et d’huiles vegétales ainsi que des tests inter laboratoires sont réalisés régulièrement dans le but d'amélioration des compétences
  • Chaque produit fini conditionnée est défini en fonction d'un numéro interne du (LOT) composé du N° de lot d'huile, le numéro de lot du récipient (bouteille, bidon, ...), le N° de lot du bouchon et le N° de lot de l'auxiliaire technologique de filtration en contact direct avec les produits finis

Quality control and traceability

Our laboratories observe, control and analyze all the materials located in the factory.

  • The controls are carried out upon receipt of the materials; through physical, chemical and microbiological checks, then during manufacturing, and just before the shipment of the finished products.
  • Our suppliers are our partners, so they are engaged to provide the necessary controls and thus comply with the standards applied by our company.
  • Self-checks are carried out by the production chain operators, in addition to those done by the quality control agents
  • At all levels, we set up a very strict policy regarding the release of materials and products, via authorizations through personalized stamps.
  • • All ours analyzes are carried out in accredited and approved physicochemical and organoleptic laboratory of olive oil and vegetable oils analyzes. In addition, inter-laboratory tests are regularly made in order to be in a continuous improvement and control.
Usine de mise en bouteille Prima Huiles

Read more: Bottling process

  • Hits: 2292

Olitta – vegetable oils

Vegetable oil

Huile Végétale

Enjoy the pleasures of cooking, as you discover our ranges of vegetable oils with gourmet flavors.

They are perfect seasoning salads and vegetables to enhance their natural taste. They are also, flawlessly used with meat and potatoes.

Huile de mais Olitta 0.9 litre


Corn Oil

It is a vegetable oil extracted from corn seeds. It should be used directly to cook or to enter the margarines composition. It also has many other applications and is commonly used trial purposes or as an ingredient in cosmetics.

Corn oil in the kitchen

The very sweet flavor and the sustained yellow color of our corn oil make it so particularly recommended for seasonings. It can also stand high temperature use, especially in pastry, making it a popular choice for home cooks and, may be used in many ways, such as for:

  • Sautéing and frying
  • Salad dressings and marinades
  • Cakes, bread, and other baked goods

Aspect and particularities

Corn oil is mainly used in cooking because it is very resistant to heat; however, it is not recommended to warm up at very high temperatures. It keeps well and long.

Corn oil is, recommended, in low cholesterol diets, it is also, rich in vitamins A and E. Actually, a regularly consumption helps lower cholesterol levels. What’s more, corn oil is a natural source of unsaturated fatty acids; it is about 30–60% linoleic acid, a type of polyunsaturated omega-6 fat. Polyunsaturated fats include omega-6 and omega-3 fats. The latter are associated with decreased inflammation and better health when they are present in the body at a ratio of about 4:1 of omega-6 to omega-3. However, many people's diets contain too many inflammatory omega-6 fats and not enough anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. Corn oil has an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 46:1, which can contribute to this imbalance.

Learn more about the characteristics of vegetable oil

Olitta - Huile de tournesol 0.9 litre


Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is pressed from the seeds of sunflower, and is commonly used in food, and in cosmetic formulations as an emollient.

Our sunflower oil is rich in essential fatty acids and in vitamin E, which are essential for the dietary balance of the human body that does not produce those fatty acids. Prima huiles has selected the best natural variety of sunflower for its Olitta sunflower oil.

Corn oil in the kitchen

It is well-balanced fatty acids, resists longer at high temperatures and degrades less quickly than conventional sunflower oils. The very fluid aspect of this golden yellow oil, gives off a sweet flavor, suggesting the taste of fresh sunflower seed. It allows you to prepare perfectly nutritious, balanced and tasty meals. In fact, it can be used as well in frying as in the pan, in mayonnaises and seasonings. It tastes sweet enough. Such as corn oil, sunflower oil is also recommended for cholesterol-lowering diets.

Aspect and particularities

Sunflower oil is mostly used in the kitchen. Because, it perfectly supports high temperatures. And keeps well and long.

Thanks to its composition, Sunflower oil is a good source of nutrients:

  • 10% saturated fat
  • 20% monounsaturated fat
  • 66% polyunsaturated fat
  • Very rich in vitamin E
  • Good source of omega-6

Learn more about the characteristics of vegetable oil

Olitta - Huile végétale 0.9 litre


Vegetable oil

This special frying oil is a refined and deodorized oil rich in vitamins A and E including lecithin. Olitta vegetable oil is adapted for all kinds of fries and has a light taste and fragrance. In fact, it has high stability after heating and is the most suitable oils for deep frying. Actually, the temperature of the recommended frying bath is 180 ° C and the total renewal must be done after 10 frying. It must be kept away from air, heat and light.

Learn more about the characteristics of vegetable oil

We are committed to guaranteeing excellence through a rigorous selection of our vegetable oils and a unique know-how in packaging and bottling of our oils to ensure a product of great taste quality.

Our experts, thus ensure the quality of the oils supplied by our partners. We also have an integrated laboratory to ensure consistency of quality and compliance of our products.

The Vegetable Oil Brochure

Download our brochure on our range of products: bottles dimensions, pallets


Read more: Olitta – vegetable oils

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Prima Huiles
  • + 216 74 649 430
  • + 216 74 649 493
  • Road of Agarreb KM 15,
    Sfax 3030 (Tunisia)
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